But I am, I am! Check
this guy out. He's super cute, funny and awkward, happily married, and plays beautiful, warm, light brown stuff. Saw him at the Spill the other night, after Missy Knot and Sam Ferguson which was also good, but pretty conventional. Except for the djembe. They would have been kinda simple and boring without it, but the djembe made the performance remarkable.
ANYWAY. To account for my absence as of late, I will post photos.
So, I was at a Blue Jays game. Uh, I'm not sure, my mom just decided we should go to one. So, there I was, sitting in a far from packed baseball stadium, and to my delight, there arrives a cute little hipster boy, with ironic glasses and a plaid shirt. Alone. So, I observed for a bit, and took a photo, just because he was so intriguing. I texted my friend about the whole situation, I mean, what twentysomething unathletic looking guy comes to a Blue Jays game alone? And I said to my friend, I bet his name is Ben. He looks like a Ben. And I was THIS close to going to talk to him, and whoop, there he goes, leaves after the third inning. I didn't think anything of it, until the next day, when my friend gave me the new MGMT album.

Second from left, Ben Goldwasser. Looking a little more lively here than when he was being stood up at a baseball game... And to think, I was about to talk to him before I even knew he was in one of my favourite electro pop bands. Actually, pretty much the only electro pop band I listen to. AND his name is Ben. Wild.
In further Famous People Attending Blue Jays Games News, Rich Terfry, just my favourite radio DJ ever, was also at the game. I found this out after he dedicated a Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings tune called "I Learned the Hard Way" to the first baseman the next day on CBC Radio 2 Drive. Have I talked about ol Rich before? I'm pretty sure CBC Radio 2 is broadcasted all across Canada; listen to it weekdays from 3:00pm, I think? You'll fall in love with this guy. I'll leave it at that.
Oh, and I went to New York City.
It was a band trip. Fun stuff from start to finish. I really do love that city, mainly for the following reason.
I've been to New York a bunch of times, but different context this time.
Broadway. Unimpressive, actually. Shocking, but let me elaborate. We saw Chicago. The dancing was incredible, and my super amazing dancer friend said it was really good too, so it was legit good, not just looked good. And the singing was adequate, I mean, nothing breathtaking, but not noticeably sub par. The band was a) visible the entire time, which was awesome, and b) ecshellent. I watched them most of the time. What killed it for me was the lack of set. Which would have meant the pit band wouldn't have been visible... but to me, it just seemed cheap, and asked a lot of the imagination. Which is fine, but I mean, my school performed Urinetown last year with 1/39874 of the budget, and had an incredible set, built by the wood shop. A black stage with the band on black risers just doesn't seem very... Broadway. Secondly, Matthew Settle. Yeah, Rufus, from Gossip Girl. He's flat in that, put him on a stage and you want to bang your head up against the wall. He was so bad it was awkward. He could sing enough, but he is NOT a stage actor. Barely a screen actor. Ugh. And finally, they obviously messed up once, one actor tripped and nearly fell on top of Roxie. Which could have been slicked over and barely noticeable, if they hadn't all BURST OUT LAUGHING. Dude. You're professionals, right? I was disappointed, to say the least.
Brilliant, non? MoMA. Love.
Oh Andy. My favourite. Although I always forget how much I like Picasso until I'm looking at it. But they can't really be compared, can they?
And you may have heard of the naked people exhibition. The Artist is Present, it's called. It was the entire sixth floor of the place, and it's closing at 4:00 tomorrow! Go see it! Now! It made me really uncomfortable, in that good art kinda way, you know? There were just naked people... facing each other, standing up on supports on a wall, laying under skeletons, running into walls, laying facedown on the grass... A looping video of women dressed up as peasants, running around in the pouring rain in a big field, flashing their lady bits... weird stuff, man. All of the naked people that were physically there were beautiful, too. An interesting observation. Perfect body types, men and women. At one part, you were supposed to walk between a naked man and a naked woman who were barely a foot apart. After conducting an in depth social experiment, I concluded that everyone, men and women alike, faced the women when they sidled through. So I faced the man. And very nearly touched his wiener.
No photography allowed at that exhibit.
And that pretty much accounts for my absence I think. I'm not working at The Crossroads anymore, WHOOOOO! Lifeguarding it up baby. Oh, and gold and gold at Nationals. I love jazz. Oh I almost forgot. Birdland at 11:00. Amazing. I need to find out the name of the group we saw, they've won a Grammy apparently. She had a schmexy voice, and the combo was so tight. They did a groovin jazz version of one of Joni Mitchell's earlier folk tunes, from the Blue album,
California. I was almost crying, it was so good. I recommend that song, the entire album is incredible. I only ever listen to it if I can sit a listen and not do anything else while I'm listening, for fear of missing something. However, today's song du jour will be straight up funk. What about
this. Soulive jamming on Hendrix's Crosstown Traffic. Quadratic FunkShun, a wicked funk band from Peterborough does this arrangement, and it's
mind-blowing. Enjoy.