
lend me your eyes I can change what you see

I can hear every single frickin thing that goes on in the apartment next to mine. The good news is, he has excellent taste in music, and the other night I fell asleep with my ear pressed against my bedroom wall listening to him watch The Last Waltz... He also has a piano and guitar which he plays frequently. The bad news is, he's in the midst of a break up with his girlfriend. Not only does Emma have a really annoying voice, but according to an angry phone call to a friend, that happened very close to the wall, she cheated on him, but he did NOT cheat on her. They fight bitterly, often, and in the middle of the night. He spends a lot of time drinking, judging by the clinking of bottles, and playing his heart out on the piano, lately. I feel for the guy, I really do. But the worst news of all, however, is that last night he called her, woke me up around 2:00, and when she arrived, they proceeded to have angry break up sex, merely a wall away from me. And she never stopped talking, the whole time. MAN she's annoying. And it's extremely uncomfortable when you can hear the frickin bed shaking, and her running commentary...  And I've never actually seen this guy, nor do I know his name. I just know hers, because he begged her not to go one night. It's a dramatic situation, let me tell you.

On the other hand, my neighbours downstairs are really great. A freelance photographer and a professional squash player. Who knew? We barely ever see them, but I seem to have encountered them a few times lately, taking out the garbage and whatnot... Cool guys, fo sho.

Anyway, please listen to a lot of Mumford and Sons. They might be my favourite right now. I recommend... The Cave, of course. Or Little Lion Man. Enjoy!